Victory College

# Intake Capacity Start Date End Date licensure Status
1 Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Regular 50 2021-12-03 2024-12-02 Warning
2 Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Extension 50 2021-12-03 2024-12-02 Warning
3 Management Undergraduate Regular 50 2021-08-27 2022-08-31 Expired
4 Medical Laboratory Science Undergraduate Regular 50 2021-12-03 2024-12-02 Warning
5 Nursing Undergraduate Regular 50 2017-09-01 2026-12-02 Active
6 Pharmacy Undergraduate Regular 50 2021-12-03 2024-12-02 Warning
7 Public Health Undergraduate Regular 50 2021-08-27 2022-08-31 Expired